If the march happened every year for thirty six years, would that be newsworthy?
If the march inspired countless marches all across the world, would that be newsworthy?
If members of congress from states all across the country publicly spoke at this march, would that be newsworthy?
If these 300,000 marchers contained Catholics, Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians (and maybe more?) all marching together with a united purpose, would that be newsworthy?
If the first African American President in U.S. history took office just days before, and leaders of the black community including Dr. Alveda King, neice of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. arrived at this march to challenge this president on civil rights issues, would that be newsworthy?
I've been searching for press coverage on the March for Life 2009, and even with the almighty Google scouring the internet, the pickings are slim. Try Googling the The New York Times and March for Life 2009, you won't find anything. An LA Times article found 2 of the approximately 10 abortion advocates at the march and decided that a picture of the two of them would be the most accurate representation of the other 300,000+ prolifers that were there. Most other mainstream media mentioned the "thousands" or "tens of thousands". It seems that they don't want to talk about it, or show how big it was.
Why is this? Why would 300,000 people in the Mall be completely ignored by the media?
A liberal bias? I'm sure there is some of that, but Fox News didn't seem to have much coverage either.
Old news? Some of that too, I suppose.
Maybe this is just a really unpleasant subject that doesn't make our readers/listeners feel good so they might change the channel or read something else.
Where do you get your news from?
There were several speakers on the coverage that I watched on EWTN, here is one, Pastor Luke Robinson. He shows how abortion is just the latest chapter in the same civil rights battle that Martin Luther King fought. And this man can give a speech!
The speech that really stuck with me though, was a woman who told an intensly personal story about her own abortion. I couldn't find her speech on YouTube, but I am sure the Silent No More Awareness Campaign will have it up soon. Here are three videos from previous demonstrations, they are, well... just watch.
In fact, go to the Silent No More Awareness Campaign's YouTube website and watch their videos. No amount of reasoning or logic can say what we are trying to say as well as these women can.
How is this not newsworthy?
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